John-deere 4039-4045 market details

Of all the John-deere 4039-4045 models listed % have been listed by professional machinery sellers, % by private businesses. There are currently items for 4039-4045 listed in Australia from professional sellers and private businesses.

Historically John-deere 4039-4045 models have been listed between $ and $, averaging at $. The current average price of a 4039-4045 listing is $.

John-deere 4039-4045 models are historically listed by sellers in categories. John-deere 4039-4045 models make up % of historic enquiries, and % of all John-deere enquiries.

The most common years of John-deere 4039-4045 manufacture listed are: .

Buyers who enquired on John-deere 4039-4045 models have also recently enquired on:
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$45 Ex GST
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