We’ve all heard the saying You Get What You Pay For. It’s true to say that there are more copies of woodworking machines on the worldwide market today than ever. You get what you pay for can go hand in hand with all that glitters isn’t gold.

Purchasing reliable equipment can be a minefield fraught with danger at every step for an unsuspecting buyer. When purchasing machinery for your business it is vital that you educate yourself in the difference of value for money and a good price. Also, it’s just as important to be able to have your machine serviced by the right people after the initial purchase.

Good Value & Good Price – Know The Difference!

It’s not hard to make something a little bit cheaper by compromising quality. While it may be tempting to save some money on the initial outlay for a new machine, just remember - the cost of a dollar saved on buying an inferior machine will quickly add up. A new machine should be weighed up on three simple points. It should be able to;

1. Simplify your manufacturing
2. Increase your volume
3. Cut down on reworks.

While a machine may be cheap to buy, if it can’t do these three things, it isn’t adding good value to your processing. In most cases, a copy of any machine with inferior build will not help you achieve this. A low price usually goes hand in hand with a shorter life, less technology and reduced safety. What looks like a bargain may turn out to be very expensive, so always buy good value. If you have to buy a cheaper option, make sure it is through a reputable company that can support. Above all – beware of imitations.

Buying Good Quality Is Only Half the Battle

Without proper service from a reputable company, the best machine in the world may as well be the worst. If you can’t get after sales back-up and spare parts, you can consider the machine useless. In recent times, many companies have opened selling unknown, cheap machinery. When these companies collapse, they leave many customers with expensive scrap metal - machinery that nobody can acquire spare parts for and nobody can service.

You need to make your purchases from a solid, reputable company, that has years of experience and knows the importance of getting you up and running as soon as possible. To the right supplier, servicing your machine has to be as important as the sale itself.

How Can You Protect Business From the Wrong Decision?

Do your research and make sure you’re purchasing a reliable brand from a dependable company. You need to be confident that are buying a piece of superior machinery as well as access to original spare parts, service and advice. Where possible, visit the showroom or warehouse and see the machine for yourself before committing to purchasing, seeing it in person will help you decide if the quality is up to scratch.