Complete Machine Tools is proud to announce the introduction of exceptionally well priced, high quality, fibre laser cutting machines from March 2017.
During the week 20th -24th March we will have a 700W Fibre Laser operating in our shop and running demonstrations to potential customers.
The machine being demonstrated is a fully enclosed type with a double change table for loading material away from the machine to boost productivity but open table models are available for small shops or people wanting to operate from coil.
The speed & accuracy of laser is well known but now the low running & maintenance cost of fibre laser technology makes owning a laser cutting machine a reality.
Particularly interesting to small sheet metal shops as well as air conditioning duct manufacturers:
The duct industry moves up to light speed……
The air conditioning duct industry is among the most technologically attuned industries in metal manufacturing. The advance of technology in this seemingly simple industry has been nothing short of impressive and now another major advancement has appeared.
Until recently the major cutting technology used in factories around the world is plasma.

Sheet metal & duct shops have installed multiple plasma cutting machines in a strategy to increase their output, improve efficiency and reduce lead times even further as the demand from their clients increases & profit margins are squeezed ever smaller.
Cut quality from a plasma machine is problematic in that the best cut is only available for a relatively short time while the consumables are at their best. Often poor cut quality, not necessarily due to the quality of the machine, impacts on other machines in the shop causing premature wear and damage increasing overheads and slowing production through seemingly constant breakdowns and repairs.

Fibre laser cutting offers a major advance in cutting technology and reduced cost for duct manufacturers.

A collaboration between Complete Machine Tools and our supplier has seen the development of a laser cutting machine with the build quality, component quality, operational features and advantages of fibre laser cutting technology at a price point that delivers excellent return on investment in line with the expectations of the super competitive contracting industry.
The cost to run a fibre laser machine is more than competitive with plasma and when combined with the additional speed, accuracy of part shape, vastly superior edge quality and enhanced operator safety with improved efficiency you will be convinced laser cutting is the future for your sheet metal or duct shop.
Machine cost is well within the range of affordability while consumables cost is a fraction of any popular major cnc plasma system currently available.
The consumable parts of the fibre laser cutting head have a life measured in months rather than hours in the case of most plasma torches.

Laser offers significant advantages over your present plasma system:
• Cutting speeds up to 70% faster than plasma (thickness dependant)
• Cut piece accuracy much better than plasma
• Final assembly is much quicker & easier so less fillers are used saving time while producing a higher quality, more efficient, lower cost product.
• Consumables cost a fraction of plasma; no need to hold large stocks of parts; no more getting caught out with no parts available from stock.
• Operating cost is less than plasma (electrical consumption)
• Operator safety is ensured by high standard flexible safety guards
• Less damaging fumes being leaked into the work area ( high efficiency table design enhances removal of cutting fumes)
• Cleaner underside of parts making parts easier to work with (higher efficiency exhaust means cutting smoke does not get deposited as heavily on the underside of the metal)
• General work area is cleaner and more efficient because of improved work practices.

Where to see the machines:
Fully operational machine demonstrations will be held at our facility from March 21st 2017.
We will have both laser & plasma cutting machines for direct comparison.
There will never be a better time to compare the two processes.
Call for a time to view this new technology in action.
Contact: Complete Machine Tools
07 32793344